Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Workout Wednesday

Say What?!?! Yes, I Reba K. get to participate in Workout Wednesday

You can link up with Skinny Meg Here

Don't you worry though I'll be back in full fat-ass force soon enough:)

I gave you a run down of my weekend and it was all in all decently active so I thought let's keep this shiz goin!

I walked about a mile and a half mostly uphill and I thought I was going to die.....sad I know.
Feels similar to this

I went to Beauty Hunters Boot Camp its awesome! I felt like for my first time I pushed myself so-so but I could definitely go harder!
New motto:)

I've gotta stick with this, no excuses I started the momentum and I gotta get it going!

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  1. You are so not a fat ass. For me the fattest part of me is my ass, but I'm not a fat ass either. However, if working out makes you happy. Go to it girl! You got this!

  2. SO glad you loved bootcamp!! Are you going Saturday??

  3. Definitely plan/want too!!! Keep me in check so I will! :)

  4. Beauty Hunters looks cool, wish they had one around my town! =)

    Your newest follower,


    1. Thank you for following! You should start up one yourself:)

  5. Replies
    1. I think I can...I think I can...I think I'm dying.
