Wednesday, May 15, 2013

White Trash Wednesday

White Trash Wednesdays originated when Girlfriend Jill and I would go to public watering holes during the summers in high school. We would bring floats from Wally World and some sort of libation that we could snag because ya know we were underage and all.

I feel as though I need to carry on this tradition. So when I found this news story it sparked my memory.

The above story discusses a woman who changed her baby's diaper out in the open sitting area at a Starbucks in Denver, CO. In her defense there was no changing table in the bathroom. First off let me say that I do not have children. But, I feel as though any human can sympathize with the idea that this is gross because it is a place where people dine. This mother could have just as easily changed the child's diaper in her car. So, this gets the white trash stamp today.

On another white trash note I got my toes did....that's not the white trash part. When my tootsies aren't pedicured I have Flintstone hooves, I'm not kidding. I'd show you a picture but let's be real I want to to keep a few readers.


  1. We sat next to a couple that changed their baby AT THE TABLE, at Olive Garden. While they were eating. I won't go there ever again.

    1. TBag! I'm so sorry that happened to you, I love the OG!

  2. I love your toes hehe :)
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