Monday, January 27, 2014

Pinteresting inspired by The Florkens!

I was inspired today by a hilarious post from The Florkens today about if life were more like Pinterest! 

Wouldn't that be divine?!

In PinterestLand this is my house....

I do a lot of entertaining......

Good Morning!

I have an oasis.....

When I need to grab a snack......

The Laundry....

My husbands....they switch out

My body is a mirror image of this lady's because I do those hundreds of workouts that I pin and promise myself I will do! Along with all my DIY....

Done as I blog from my trampoline bed swing

A few shots from my wedding.....although I sit here single

AND of course my amazing closet!!

What's your life like in PinterestLand???

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